Add Extra Time A week for Task OSS project pls reply if you guys Agree

Good idea! Make this task last for the whole testnet or add few additional days! plz!


Totally agree… I am stuck on upload project proccess :frowning:


Totally agree, I’ve been working on this for almost a week but can’t get the url verified even though I’ve done everything right

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I strongly agree… I have been unable to complete the task due to delays in project registration for a week now.

I agree too! I started to create my package when got news about tea testnet. I worked on it for more than a week!!! And I uploaded it 3 days before the deadline. But it still not indexed. And oolong is almost ended! 1 week of work wasted! FAIL :sob: :sob: :sob:

The communi’tea requested more time, so Challenge 1 (Oolong) has been extended for an additional week.


Thank you for your effort!

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thx u very much sir im apreciate this :innocent:


it is actaully nice idea for extra time


yes! I need extra time, too.


I agree with your opinion because the system takes time to process it.

yes very need more time beacuse verify time is take too long days

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agree yes need add extta time ,my project still not detected in tea website


Can you please solve the problem of insufficient points?

Yes, the problem is still there

yes extra week is needed

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yes extra week is needed

good, because there are still many who have not been able to publish their projects, or projects that are published still get a red score

sure, maybe it can help our friends who have not been approved in proposing their projects

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Let’s learn together to create projects with good or green scores