Improving the Indexing Process of Newly Added OSS Projects in Tea Protocol (Index on demand)


Today, open source software (OSS) projects have become an integral part of our development ecosystem. The Tea protocol provides an important platform for promoting these projects and increasing their availability. However, the time required to index newly added OSS projects has become a significant productivity issue for developers and participants.

Current Status:

In the Tea protocol, the standard waiting time for indexing newly added OSS projects is 24 hours or more. This process slows down the pace of development and leads to inefficient use of engineering resources. Furthermore, in cases where a large number of projects are added, this waiting time can increase even further, which can have negative effects on the promotion and accessibility of projects. To assume that this indexing process involves listing all projects in the package manager and selecting the appropriate kits from among them is to increase unnecessary resource utilisation.


In order to improve the current situation, I propose a transition to an on-demand indexing process for the Tea protocol. This model would enable faster and more efficient indexing of projects, while at the same time optimising resource usage. I propose to create a system where projects can request manual indexing by filling out a form. This system would ensure that only the projects that make a request are processed, similar to the way Google indexes sites. This approach would provide a great efficiency in terms of both time and resources, while at the same time increasing the scalability and user-friendliness of the protocol.


The implementation of an on-demand indexing system can significantly improve the efficiency of the Tea protocol. This new system will enable projects to be released faster, allow developers and participants to have a better experience, and enable more effective use of engineering resources. I believe that this proposal will contribute to making the Tea protocol a more dynamic, effective and user-friendly platform. Therefore, I invite all interested parties to consider and implement this change.

Thank you.
Furkan Γ‡elik
Tea Username: furkancelik
Dc: furkancelik101
Tea Account Adress:


I have gothub error please solve my issue

git url not detect please fix already publish again but still same

yeah there is a issue

I have some problem to verify my GitHub

True implimentation on this

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A post was merged into an existing topic: My project can be found, but is show an invalid URL